The Australian Maritime Officers Union WA (AMOU) has given notice that , starting on August 18, vessel traffic service officers and small craft personnel will engage in a 48-hours protected industrial action.
This move comes after negotiations over a new Marine Services Enterprise Agreement . The actions set to begin at 5:30 a.m on Sunday, August 18.
Following is the formal announcement from Fremantle Ports :
Fremantle Ports has received notice that vessel traffic service officers and small craft personnel covered by the Marine Services Enterprise Agreement intend to take 48 hours protected industrial action from 5.30am, Sunday August 18 for 48 hours.
Fremantle Ports is committed to working with stakeholders and port partners to minimise impacts to them and the community, that might arise from the stoppage.
Vessel cargo operations and port logistics operations will not be impacted by this protected industrial action. Vessels at berth within the port will continue their scheduled cargo operations during this period, however ship movements to and from berths may be impacted.
Fremantle Ports understands that customers and partners will be keen to see any disruptions to trade minimised.
We remain committed to reaching an amicable resolution to this matter, through good faith bargaining and respectful, collaborative discussion.
The Small Craft Masters and Vessel Traffic Services Officers employed under the Marine Services Enterprise Agreement voted in late June for protected action through a Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO). As required by the Protected Action Ballot Order, the notice was received late yesterday, three days in advance of the industrial action.
We will continue to keep you updated as we learn more about the situation.
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