Vessel Operations
North America East Coast
- “Maersk Karlskrona” V 235– delayed an extra 5 days in New York due to berth congestion.
- “Dubai Express” V 236– delayed an extra 1 day in Charleston due to import volume.
North America West Coast
- “Maersk Algol” V 234– delayed an extra 20 days in Oakland due to high import volume and labor shortage.
Terminal Operations
Due to increased volume and Labor Day Holiday, we are experiencing congestion issues at the following terminal locations: New York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Miami, Houston, Oakland, and Los Angeles/Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, Prince Rupert and Vancouver.
U.S. East Coast
- New York– Vessel waiting time is 2-7 days at APM Terminal due to berth congestion and the after affects from Labor Day Holiday. Vessel waiting time is 1-2 weeks at PNCT Terminal due to berth congestion and high import volume.
- Baltimore– Vessel waiting time is 7-14 days due to berth congestion and high import volume.
- Norfolk– Vessel waiting time is 0-1 day due to berth congestion.
- Charleston– Vessel waiting time is 0-1 day due to certain level of import volume.
- Savannah– Vessel waiting time is 12-20 days due to high import volume and extra loaders.
- Miami– Vessel waiting time is 1-2 days due to certain level of import volume.
U.S. Gulf Coast
- Mobile– Vessel waiting time is 1 day due to vessel bunching.
- New Orleans– Vessel waiting time is 1 day due to vessel bunching.
- Houston– Vessel waiting time is 2-20 days due to high import volume, labor shortage and vessel bunching.
U.S. West Coast
- Long Beach– Vessel waiting time is 5 days due to berth congestion and high import volume.
- Los Angeles– Vessel waiting time is 1-4 days due to certain level of import volume.
- Oakland– Vessel waiting time is 15-20 days due to high import volume and labor shortage. Yard utilization is at 90% of capacity.
- Seattle– Vessel waiting time is 2 days due to berth congestion.
- Prince Rupert– Vessel waiting time is 3 days. Yard utilization is at 95% of capacity.
- Vancouver– Vessel waiting time is 30-44 days. Yard utilization is at 84% of capacity.
Equipment Availability
Due to increased volume at terminals and inland rail facilities, there have been ongoing chassis shortages resulting in pick-up delays and deliveries. Most notably, we are encountering chassis availability issues in the Long Beach/Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia terminals, and the Cleveland, Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, Saint Louis, Atlanta, Chicago, and Memphis areas.
Equipment availability continues to be an issue at the locations below.
Atlanta – limited 20’ and 40’ available
Chicago – limited 40’ reefer available
Cincinnati – limited 40’ available
Columbus – limited 20’ and 40’ available
Detroit – limited 20’ and 40’ available
Kansas City – limited 20’ available
Memphis – limited 20’ available
Minneapolis – limited 20’ and 40’ available
Nashville – limited 20’ and 40’ available
Omaha – limited 40’ available
South Florida - Limited equipment availability
St. Louis – limited 40’ available
Seattle – limited 40’ reefer availability
Vancouver – limited 20’ available
Inland Rail Transit Advisories
We are also experiencing congestion at all major rail facilities in Chicago, Columbus, and Los Angeles UP and BNSF rail ramps. We expect delays in picking-up and delivering containers at these locations.
U.S. East Coast
CN Montreal: Valleyfield Update- CN railroad has announced the opening of a second intermodal ramp to assist with the high volume of import containers in Montreal as well as awaiting rail movement at the ports.
CN will work with the port terminal operations to identify containers that will be moved to Valleyfield and will update the rail billing to reflect VALTERM, PQ on train departure. The customs broker will need to file under the Valleyfield Terminal Sob locations Code 5969 and port will remain as 0395 to ensure no delays to the release of the import container.
CN Toronto/Montreal update: Though efforts to decongest the ports continue to be successful. We are still facing a high volume loaded import steamship line containers dwelling at CN intermodal terminals in Toronto and Montreal as such, CN is opening additional relief container yards to manage this volume and may choose to move international containers to any of the designated locations. The locations for containers moved will be reflected on WWW.CN.CA . We all have our part to play in the supply chain and we encourage all stakeholders to assist by picking up their import containers in a timely manner from out terminals.
Charleston Chassis Shortage – Due to a continued shortage of available chassis in the Charleston markets (Atlanta, Charleston, Jacksonville, Nashville, and Savannah) we are experiencing extended delays in pick-ups, deliveries, and drayage to/from the rail facilities.
CSX Update - Export to JAX – Due to continued congestion in Jacksonville, we have observed delay in train operations for cargo arriving in Jacksonville ICTF for load out if Trapac.
Norfolk Southern “Tier 1” facility update – NS has Announced that Detroit (Livemois), Jacksonville, and Cleveland (Maple heights) rail ramps will be adjusted from tier 1 for international storage rules.
CSX Philadelphia: Due to Chassis shortage and resulting high dwell and increased congestion due to severe congestion at destination. CSX has suspended rail reservations from all origin locations to philadelphia. The duration of this service restriction has not been confirmed.
Newark to Ohio valley update (CSX)- CSX has metered import cargo from any NWK terminal to Ohio valley destinations due to severe congestion at destination ramps. PNCT port Newark will attempt to move longest dwells first whenever possible, dwell times are expected to increase at origin.
Ohio Valley Chassis shortage- Chassis delicts continue to be observed on a wekly basis in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Louisville markets. TRAC can be pursued for support as our approved secondary provider. Please assist with return of any dwelling equipment to mitigate ongoing limitations in the area.
U.S. Mid West
Dallas/Houston Chassis Shortage – Chassis deficits continue to be observed on a weekly basis. Please assist with return of any dwelling equipment to mitigate current limitations in the area.
Chicago/Dallas Import - Due to congestion at destination ramps and accumulating backlog of cargo at origin ports, delays are to be expected in origin departure from long beach and Oakland for rail deliveriesto the Chicago and Dallas/Fort Worth areas. Please arrange for timely pick up of all arriving import units at destination to assist with drive for operations fluidity.
Chicago Chassis Shortage – Due to a shortage of available chassis in Chicago, we continue to observe extended delays in pick-ups and deliveries.
Chicago Rail Ramp Congestion – Bedford Park and 59th Street - CSX Railroad has advised that congestion remains an operational concern at the Bedford Park Facility in Chicago and the 59th Street Facility and is requesting further assistance in arranging pick up of dwelling units.
BNSF Logistics Park (Chicago) – For cargo loading to PANZ service, ingate of Chicago origin ramp, destined for load out of ITS Terminals Long beach, will be permitted to ingate on Thursday and Friday each week.
CSX Memphis Update –Effective August 8, 2022: The Memphis, TN terminal will begin draying international freight to the CMC Pidgeon container yard. Customer must bring a chassis Pidgeon to retrieve their grounded container international containers already located at the Clarke Depot container yard will remain at that location until they are picked up.
Name and address –CMC Pidgeon,2245 Plant Road, Memphis, TN 38109. Ph # 901-969-2683
Hours of opertaion:0800-1700 CT Monday-Friday, Closed Saturday-Sunday
Louisville NS update – Norfolk southern has placed a temporary halt on westbound train operations from Louisville Appliance Park facility to Long Beach and Oakland.AU and NZ destination cargo will need to be updated to reflect an east bound POL to ensure timely delivery.
Columbus Overflow Yard - Effective 06/10, the Ohio Intermodal Services (OIS) container yard will provide grounded services for long-dwelling international freight at the Columbus, OH CSX terminal. Customers must bring a chassis to the offsite facility to retrieve their grounded container:
NS Kansas City Update - A daily ingate allotment of 30 returns per day for all business has been enacted for returns at Norfolk Kansas City to all rail destinations. Once the ingate total reaches the daily allotment the gate will be cut off for the day and ingates can resume next business day at 00:01 local time.
Additionally, Due to congestion at the facility. Delays have been observed in grounding incoming ta=rains leading to significant delay in container availability.
U.S. West Coast
BNSF Alliance Ramp update (Dallas) - As part of ongoing efforts to increase productivity and intermodal hub fluidity, BNSF is offering a storage credit of up to $1000 for any international containers bearing storage charges out gated at BNSF Alliance intermodal facility between August 29th and September 5th. Any international container currently dwelling beyond free time is eligible for this storage credit. Customers need to guarantee storage before out gate to receive the storage credit. A credit of up to $1000 will be applied to the final storage bill through the standard storage guarantee process. The credit is only applicable for containers at the Alliance intermodal facility Main Yard.
Increased Dwell for Import Rail Cargo (SEA) - Due to severe terminal congestion, we continue to observe operational delays, resulting in extended dwell time.
Increased Dwell for Import Rail Cargo (LAX/LGB) - Due to gate capacity restrictions, limited reservations (RVs), rail car shortages and daily ingate restrictions at our major rail facilities in LAX/LGB (BNSF & UP), import rail units (both on-dock and off-dock) are experiencing increased delays.
Chassis Shortage Santa Teresa - Availability of DCLI equipment continues to be extremely limited. TRAC chassis should be utilized as an approved secondary provider; inventory has been observed to be very low, as well.
Chassis Shortage Houston – Availability of DCLI equipment continues to be extremely limited. TRAC chassis should be utilized as an approved secondary provider; inventory has been observed to be very low, as well.
Terminal Dwell Fee - SSA Terminals (Pier A (LGB), OICT (OAK), T-18 (SEA)) have implemented a temporary storage charge in addition to the normal port demurrage charges on all import loaded containers discharged at facilities on the West Coast. The failure of importers to pick up containers in a timely manner has created severe congestion issues that has prevented terminal operators from properly servicing vessels destined for their terminals. Extended Dwell Time Fee will apply on a temporary basis to all loaded import containers, in addition to existing demurrage and port tariff fees:
- No charges for free time (up to seven (7)) days after a container is available for delivery)
- $50 per day for the next five days of storage thereafter (days 1-5 after free time)
- $75 per day for the next five days of storage thereafter (days 6-10 after free time)
- $100 per day for the next five days of storage thereafter (days 11-15 after free time)
- $150 per day for any days thereafter.
Export loaded containers will not be subject to the Extended Dwell Time Fee. The importer of record in the shipping documents will be responsible for paying or arranging payment of the Extended Dwell Time Fee. Once the fee has been paid, the container will show as available in Operator’s container tracking system. Appointments on import lanes may not be made until the fee has been paid and the container is showing as available on the Forecast website.
Extended Dwell Fee (ITS Terminal, LGB) - Effective Monday, January 10, 2022, ITS will be implementing a Temporary Storage Charge in addition to the normal port demurrage/storage charges on all loaded import containers due to severe congestion issues. The intent of this Temporary Storage Charge is to encourage cargo interests to pick up their containers timely, which will allow for a return to a more normalized vessel operation schedule. Once this has been accomplished, ITS intends to rescind the additional charge.
The following, cumulative, fees will apply to all loaded import containers at the rates, and for the temporary effective period: $48 per day commencing on the first day after expiration of free time, for up to five days (e.g., days 1-5 after free time); $72 per day thereafter, for up to five additional days (e.g., days 6-10 after free time); $96 per day thereafter, for up to five additional days (e.g., days 11-15 after free time), and $165 per day for any days thereafter (e.g., all days from day 16 and after).
Extended Dwell Fee (TTI Terminal, LGB) - Effective Monday January 10, 2022, to reduce excessive terminal congestion, Total Terminals International LLC (TTI) will implement the following, cumulative, Extended On-Terminal Storage/Terminal Congestion Fee for all inbound loaded containers that remain in TTI’s Long Beach marine terminal more than eight calendar days following the date of discharge:
- No Extended On-Terminal Storage/Terminal Congestion Fee for calendar storage days 1 through 8 the container is on terminal and available for delivery.
- $100 per day for days 9 through 14; $150 per day for all days thereafter.
Fraser Surrey Vancouver – Due to congestion issues at the CN Toronto Facility, CN is metering Toronto import containers loaded to rail at our facility (Vancouver). In addition to metering, CN is requesting that the Vancouver Terminals hold off on releasing units inbound to Toronto.
Source: Hamburg Sud
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